Having it All

Michelle Edgemont (a fabulous wedding planner in NYC) recently said in article that "running a business means constantly living in the space between jubilation and terror". This really hit home for me. Most days having this business feels like Christmas morning. I wake up and the first thing I do is check my email. Sometimes I find an inquiry from a new client or a response from a local wedding vendor, and those emails are like unwrapping a gift under the Christmas tree! That feeling of pure joy comes rushing back to me like when I was a child. The word "giddy" is about the only adjective I can think of that explains the emotion. But then there's the terror. These last couple weeks have had more trying moments than I care to have at once, but it's reminded me that those are the times you need to appreciate the "gifts under the tree" even more. Most of my stress has come from finding a way to balance it all; serving my clients, my family & friends, but also myself.  "Having it all" is a goal that certainly brings excitement, but occasionally also disappointment. You want to give 100% to all parts of your life but some days you just fall short in every category. There are moments you want to give up, but that's when you need to push even harder and look at how much you've achieved. Remember there are more gifts to be found under that metaphorical tree. What's also fired me up is reminding myself that any mistake made means I'm pushing hard and taking risks (and that's a good thing!). It's easy to quantify some sort of error monetarily, but you cannot put a price on lessons learned. Assessing your revenue for the month has no way of accounting for that, so it falls on you to factor this in "off the books".Hopefully this post will bring some comfort and motivation to others out there livin' the dream!

We take each day as it comes, and that's an achievement in and of itself.